
Scorpius and Scorpius Free Horoscope Compatibility Reports

Scorpius and Scorpius Horoscope Compatibility

Horoscope compatibility of Scorpius and Scorpius is great!

Scorpius is quiet and loves secrets. Also has spirit of inquiry and good insight. More, talented in intuitive power, a little skeptic, and has strong and deep passion buried. If such a Scorpius and Scorpius are to meet, the first encountering situation will be the key to the later relationship.

Scorpius has a tendency for not making friends. Scorpius is cautious when they are dealing with people, so it will take time for Scorpius and Scorpius to become friends. If neither hearts the other, there is a possibility for the relation turning into spiral of revenge.

Within the family relation, like with the patents, brothers and sisters, Scorpius and Scorpius can understand each other with out a word, and could read their heart, so they can give an accurate support.

In love relation, as long as they can encounter, they will become a best couple. They have a great compatibility. They will love each other deeply and passionate. However, both needs to keep away from any actions that may appeal cheating or lying, coz it will make the other skeptic.

When the two gets married, male will become hardworking physically and mentally devotional to the wife and home. The wife will become a reliable and loving mother.

This free
Horoscope Compatibility reports are translation of Japanese fortune teller Atsuko Kimishima’s blog; Rest room of Astrology
Atsuko Kimishima Official HP
Illustration of Zodiac from free graphic site Shinya Koubo

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