
Virgo and Sagittarius Free Horoscope Compatibility Reports

Virgo and Sagittarius Horoscope Compatibility

Horoscope compatibility of Virgo and Sagittarius is not good.

Sagittarius loves to be free, has generous kindness and always in his own pace. Virgo is intelligent, tidy, and has a kindness to notice tribal things. If both tries to learn good points of each other, the relation will be beneficial. However, in real, Virgo feels Sagittarius’ free behavior is causing Virgo a loss if they are in a same group. If Virgo starts criticizing Sagittarius in small thing, Sagittarius may give a counterattack of straight/true words to Virgo that hurts Virgo’s feeling.

In love, Sagittarius will be attracted by the clean and decent impression, and Virgo will be attracted by Sagittarius’ wide and deep range of knowledge. Both needs to put a lot of effort to make the relation last. If the two zodiac gets married, Virgo that want to manage everything, and Sagittarius that always want to be free, will have a hardship to get along.

This free
Horoscope Compatibility reports are translation of Japanese fortune teller Atsuko Kimishima’s blog; Rest room of Astrology
Atsuko Kimishima Official HP
Illustration of Zodiac from free graphic site Shinya Koubo

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