
Cancer and Cancer Free Horoscope Compatibility Reports

Cancer and Cancer Horoscope Compatibility

Horoscope compatibility of Cancer and Cancer is good.

Cancer is kind, companionate and a worrier by nature. Zodiac has moon as a guardian planet, so it will inflected by motherhood by good and bad means. Cancer is also very sensitive, so Cancer tends to grow up the mental scar from the fear they experienced in their childhood. In one word, Cancer is childish. They will soon get upset and hide in their shell. They may perplex the surrounding people by complex personality.

However, Cancer and Cancer’s horoscope compatibility is good. They will become a good friend. Both are very sensitive, so they need no words to understand each other. If either of them gets close with other person, the other will get joules and shut out the others and try to make a relationship just by two of them, no space for other to split in.
In love, Cancer tend to put their focus on making a happy family, so they will start talking about marriage soon after they meet. Cancer tend to get marry with the partner with out knowing about each other deeply. If the relation starts to falls apart, there are no chances to fix the relationship. It is said (in Japan) that Cancer is the top to marry three times in their life time. Cancer is an ideal mother and father. They need to understand about the partner before marriage, to avoid divorce.

This free
Horoscope Compatibility reports are translation of Japanese fortune teller Atsuko Kimishima’s blog; Rest room of Astrology
Atsuko Kimishima Official HP
Illustration of Zodiac from free graphic site Shinya Koubo

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